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iOS 18.3 Beta 4 업데이트 되었습니다.


iOS 18.3 Beta 4


iOS 18.3 Beta 4 업데이트 되었습니다.

출처 Link - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ios-ipados-release-notes/ios-ipados-18_4-release-notes


iOS & iPadOS 18.4 Beta Release Notes | Apple Developer Documentation

Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.


iOS 18.3 Beta 4 설치화면



The iOS & iPadOS 18.4 SDK provides support to develop apps for iPhone and iPad running iOS & iPadOS 18.4 beta. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 16.3, available from the Mac App Store. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 16.3, see Xcode 16.3 Release Notes.


New Features

  • AdAttributionKit now supports Overlapping Conversions, which enables advertisers to have multiple simultaneous re-engagement conversions. The system provides a conversion tag as the value of the re-engagement URL parameter. You can pass the conversion tag into the updateConversionValue API to update the specific conversion. (136100247)
  • New AdAttributionKit testability for advertised apps is in iOS Settings > Developer > Ad Attribution Testing. You can now create and interact with development postbacks for your app in iOS Settings, instead of requiring a separate publisher app to sign and show ads for your app. If your app is built with Xcode, you can now create development postbacks for your app in iOS Settings, replacing the need for your app to first be distributed in the App Store or alternative app marketplace. (136704392)

Apple Intelligence

Known Issues

  • For languages other than English (US), Apple Intelligence support requires Siri to be enabled. (144092696)
  • Workaround: Enable “Talk & Type to Siri” to enable Apple Intelligence features. For “Talk to Siri”, one of the following options must be selected: “’Hey Siri’”, “’Siri’ or ‘Hey Siri’” or “Press Side Button for Siri”.
  • After restoring iOS 18.4 or iPadOS 18.4, some Apple Intelligence features might not be available or you might see “Downloading support…”. (145117473)
  • Workaround: Restarting your device might resolve the issue.



  • The custom allocation API for libxml2 is deprecated starting in macOS Sequoia 15.4, iOS 18.4, tvOS 18.4, visionOS 2.4, and tvOS 18.4. If this API is not used, no changes are required. If this API is currently used, make changes to call malloc() instead of xmlMalloc() or xmlMallocAtomic(); call realloc() instead of xmlRealloc(); call free() instead of xmlFree() and call strdup() instead of xmlMemStrdup(). Stop calling xmlMemSetup(), xmlMemGet(), xmlGcMemSetup() and xmlGcMemGet() to set custom allocation functions. Do not set global variables xmlMalloc, xmlMallocAtomic, xmlRealloc, xmlFree, and xmlMemStrdup. Internally, libxml2 and libxslt will now use the system allocator instead of this API, so do not rely on these libraries using the custom allocation API. (138404994)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed: Scrolling through Notifications might cause them to flicker or collapse momentarily. (142497254)


Known Issues

  • In non-English languages, some Siri suggestions might fail to complete successfully. (143407922)


New Features

  • New StoreKit APIs support Advanced Commerce API in-app purchases. (118528943)
  • By using the new purchase option API introductoryOfferEligibility(compactJWS:), you can now set a preference for whether an introductory offer should be redeemed during a purchase. This API requires you to sign a payload on your server in order to either apply the offer (even if the customer is not eligible) or block it. (136152740)
  • New properties appTransactionID, originalPlatform, and period are now available in AppTransaction, Transaction, Transaction.Offer, and Product.SubscriptionInfo.RenewalInfo. (136395697)


  • Transaction.currentEntitlement(for:) is now deprecated. This API returns the latest transaction that entitles the user to a product, which may not include transactions originated for family shared subscriptions. Use the Transaction.currentEntitlements(for:) method to get all the transactions that entitle the user to a product. (138320205)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed: A color set by the tint(_:) modifier does not override the tint color of buttons in that view’s confirmation dialogs and alerts. (138774306)
  • Fixed: For apps compiled against iOS 18.4 beta, applying defaultVisibility(.hidden) to customizable toolbar items does not hide the item by default on iOS. (139815290)
  • Fixed: When NavigationStack or NavigationSplitView content updates, the environment is not invalidated unless properties in the environment have changed. (139855826)

System Calls

New Features

  • fileport_makeport(2) and fileport_makefd(2) are now APIs with manual pages. (66571768) (FB8270900)


Known Issues

  • The two optional delegate methods intended for multiple container support are not available. (136619485)
  • The delegate method -writingToolsCoordinator:requestsRangeInContextWithIdentifierForPoint:completion: does not support asynchronous use of the completion block. (136824869)
  • Workaround: For the correct behavior when a user taps on a proofreading suggestion, the completion block for the method must be executed inline.
  • The delegate receives more calls to -writingToolsCoordinator:selectRanges:inContext:completion: than necessary. (138868937)
  • In iOS 18.4 beta, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate method -writingToolsCoordinator:requestsRangeInContextWithIdentifierForPoint:completion: is marked as optional will not be called. (139544247)
  • Workaround: When building on iOS 18.4 beta and deploying to iOS 18.2, implement the deprecated UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate method -writingToolsCoordinator:requestsRangeInContextWithIdentifierForPoint:completion:. If you are not deploying earlier than iOS 18.4, do not implement this method.


New Features

  • To enable the new HTTP loading mode, set usesClassicLoadingMode to false on URLSessionConfiguration. The new loading mode will become the default in a future release. (89390075)

Wi-Fi Calling

Known Issues

  • Wi-Fi Calling might not work for US cellular customers on iOS 18.4 beta. (144450317)
  • Workaround: Revert to iOS 18.3 to enable Wi-Fi Calling.

Writing Tools

Known Issues

  • After generating a list, key point, table, or summary in the pop-over, selecting “Replace” results in an error message. (145186545)
  • Workaround: The generated content can be copied and pasted. User can manually replace the selected text with the generated text.